Insights 07 Love in 3D Food Printing

Where is the love in 3D Food Printing?

Some people believe that the most important ingredient in food is love. Whether or not you agree with that statement is another topic, but let’s assume for purposes of this article you do agree.

Then, you may believe that when someone takes the time to prepare food – whether it’s you or someone else – the food is also made with love and the resulting food just simply tastes… better.

But what about when a 3D food printer is used to prepare food? Is the love automatically removed? Where is the love?

I ask you to consider this: if you or anyone else cooking food (with added love!) uses any other kitchen appliance – whether it’s a stove, an oven, a food processor to make doughs, a blender to make sauces, etc. – is that food made with any less love? Would the food not taste as good? Is the love gone? Of course not. That person is simply using kitchen appliances to prepare food.

A 3D food printer (at least the way we are making 3D food printers) is a kitchen appliance. So that love going into food is still very much there.

Full disclosure, I’m co-Founder of Natural Machines, the makers of Foodini: a 3D food printer. Foodini makes all kinds of savory and sweet foods using fresh, real ingredients… including the ingredient you might believe to be the most important: love. :-) We designed Foodini from day one to be a kitchen appliance, and a stylish one at that! With Foodini, this is real food… 3D printed.

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